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WeGO Advisory Board


WeGO Advisory Board is a group of experienced experts from across ministries, academia, corporations, and other international organizations in the field of smart city development and international cooperation. The term of the board is two years from 2022 to 2024.

Roles of the Advisory Board

  • Provide insights as WeGO makes progress in advancing and expanding the scope of activities
  • Hold WeGO accountable in meeting the needs of members in an equitable and balanced manner
  • Become the ambassadors of WeGO to elevate the visibility and influence of WeGO

Advisory Board with Members

  • Access to insightful knowledge-sharing events supported by the Advisory Board
  • Connect with experts and invite professionals from across the sectors through board members
  • Consult with WeGO on smart city challenges and identify solutions through experts

WeGO Advisory Board

Alexandre Hedjazi

Professor of University of Geneva

Byoung Joon Kim

Professor, Department of Public Administration of Kookmin University

Daniel Oh

Professor of Korea University

Danielle Suh


Danil Kerimi

Chief Operating Officer & Founder of Edgelands Institute

Hanna Yoon

Professor of Soongsil University

Jung Hoon Lee

Professor of Yonsei University

Junseok Hwang

Professor of Seoul National University

Kyu Hun Kim

Head Attorney of QLEX Law Office

Matteo Tarantino

Professor of Catholic University of Milan

Seok Won Lee

Professor of Seoul National University

Yves Daccord

Executive Chairman & Co-founder of Egdelands Institute

WeGO Smart Cities Index Advisory Board

Byoung Joon Kim

Professor, Department of Public Administration of Kookmin University

Danil Kerimi

Chief Operating Officer & Founder of Edgelands Institute

Jae Eun Shin

Assistant Professor Underwood International College at Yonsei University

M. Jae Moon

Underwood Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Management of Yonsei University

Young Im Cho

Professor of Department of Computer Engineering of Gachon University


President City
Seoul (South Korea)
Executive Vice President City
Mexico City (Mexico)
Vice President Cities
Beyoğlu (Turkey)
Chengdu (China)
Makati City (Philippines)
Mexico City (Mexico)
Moscow (Russia)
Seberang Perai (Malaysia)


Executive Committee Member Cities
Abuja (Nigeria)
Beyoğlu (Turkey)
Chengdu (China)
Dhulikhel (Nepal)
Hebron (Palestine)
Kampala (Uganda)
Makati City (Philippines)
Maputo (Mozambique)
Mexico City (Mexico)
Moscow (Russia)
São Paulo (Brazil)
Seberang Perai (Malaysia)
Seongnam City (South Korea)
Seoul (South Korea)
Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia)
Ulyanovsk Region (Russia)
Wellington (New Zealand)

  • The General Assembly (GA) triennially convenes all full members to make key decisions that set the strategic direction of WeGO.
  • The Executive Committee (EXCOM) annually convenes up to 21 members including the President City, Executive Vice President City, and Vice President Cities, to review activities carried out in the previous year and planned for the year ahead.
  • The President City is elected by the GA and its mayor serves as President, who supervises and represents WeGO.
  • The Executive Vice President City will host the next regular meeting of the GA, and assists the President City along with Vice President Cities nominated by EXCOM and appointed by the President City.