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WeGO Secretariat

Open City Initiative

Open City Initiative 570 380 WeGO

OVERVIEW Implemented in 2014Project Duration: OngoingFunding Source: Regional Government Edmonton’s Open City Initiative was implemented in lieu with the city’s wish to become a city which is more transparent, open…

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Joint Online Training 2020

Joint Online Training 2020
150 150 WeGO

“Buildup Digital Government & Smart Cities for Resilience” Proficiency of the officials in digital government can administer higher quality of life and welfare equally to all residents. The WeGO-NIA-AfDB training…

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18 cities awarded for their smart initiatives

18 cities awarded for their smart initiatives 570 380 WeGO

SEOUL – The results of the 4th WeGO Awards were announced today. This edition of the WeGO Awards was the fourth one, since it was established in 2011 to recognize and promote smart initiatives which use ICT to improve the quality of life of citizens.

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African Smart Cities Innovation Foundation (ASIF)

African Smart Cities Innovation Foundation (ASIF) 263 192 WeGO

African Smart Cities Innovation Foundation Abuja, NigeriaEstablished 2017Official Website African Smart Cities Innovation Foundation (ASCIF) is a non-governmental organization with registration in Nigeria with aims and objectives of bridging the…

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Hands-on experience offered in first Smart City Driver webinar

Hands-on experience offered in first Smart City Driver webinar 570 380 WeGO

SEOUL – WeGO held the first installment of its webinar series aiming to provide interested local governments, in-kind and financial partner organizations with hands-on experience on the Smart City Driver, its new framework that helps cities plan, finance and deploy their smart city projects through a range of customized solution packages and matchmaking with strategic partners.

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Webinar on CJK Smart Cities-notlive

Webinar on CJK Smart Cities-notlive 150 150 WeGO

Webinar on CJK Smart Cities:   Synthesizing Smart City Initiatives This webinar will be the first step toward the establishment of a smart city cooperation platform among China, Japan, and…

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[JOINT PRESS RELEASE] Smart city leaders in China, Japan, and Korea converge to explore joint projects in partnership with TCS and WeGO

[JOINT PRESS RELEASE] Smart city leaders in China, Japan, and Korea converge to explore joint projects in partnership with TCS and WeGO 570 380 WeGO

SEOUL—The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) and the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO) co-organized a Webinar on CJK Smart Cities on the theme of “Synthesizing Smart City Initiatives” for their respective members, partners, and stakeholders in China, Japan, and Korea, on Wednesday, August 5.

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[JOINT PRESS RELEASE] FIWARE Foundation and WeGO proudly announce membership exchange and strategic cooperation

[JOINT PRESS RELEASE] FIWARE Foundation and WeGO proudly announce membership exchange and strategic cooperation 570 380 WeGO

BERLIN—FIWARE Foundation, the non-profit organization that encourages the adoption of standards and open source technologies for the development of smart solutions is thrilled to welcome on board its newest member, the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO).

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WeGO Smart City Driver Workshop Series

WeGO Smart City Driver Workshop Series 150 150 WeGO

WeGO Smart City Driver Online Workshop Series WeGO launched the Smart City Driver, WeGO’s own project management framework, to help cities plan, finance, and deploy their smart city projects through…

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The Americas in focus in second webinar on COVID-19 response

The Americas in focus in second webinar on COVID-19 response 570 380 WeGO

SEOUL – WeGO continued its webinar series focused on presenting regional cases of best practice of COVID-19 response, as part of the Smart Health Responder—its new initiative aiming at supporting members, partners and stakeholders in their fight against the pandemic.

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