The 4th WeGO Awards recognized and awarded 18 cities for their initiatives that use ICT to improve the quality of life of citizens.
Prior to the awards ceremony, which will be held at the 5th WeGO General Assembly (Oct 18, 15:00-17:00 GMT+9), WeGO hosted two webinars to highlight the winners and hear the cities speak about their real experiences in implementing the projects.
How can cities determine what is the best type of project for their ow particular cases? How can cities get stakeholders’ and citizens’ support for their initiatives? What sets these projects apart from other similar ones and what key lessons can be learnt?
Rewatch this two-part webinar series to learn more about 12 of the winning projects, through direct discussions with the winners and commentary from the panel of judges.
PART 1 (Aug 26)
PART 2 (Sep 14)
PART 1 (Aug 26)
Judge Panelist

Javier Vergara-Petrescu
Executive Director
Ciudad Emergente
Session 1
(09:00 – 09:30)
Session 1: Mobility Category Winners
Efficient Transport, Intelligent Transport Systems, Mixed-Modal Access, Integrated ICT Infrastructure, Parking
- George Town, Green Connectivity
- Belo Horizonte, SIU Mobile – Belo Horizonte’s Mobility App
Session 2
(09:30 – 10:00)
Session 2: Open and Inclusive City Category Winners
Citizen Participation, Open Data and Privacy, Transparency, Bridging the Digital Divide, Participatory Budgeting, Living Labs, Crowdsourcing
- São Paulo, Free Fab Lab, SP Network
- Jakarta, Jakarta Smart City
Session 3
(10:00 – 10:30)
Session 3: Safe City Category Winners
Security, Emergency Response, Gas and Fire Detection, Infrastructure Management, Disaster Response
- Mexico City, My Safe City
- Belo Horizonte, Prevention of Violence and Sexual Harassment Against Women in Public Transport
PART 2 (Sep 14)
*Simultaneous interpretation will be available in English and Korean.
Judge Panelist

Donovan Storey
Head of Global Policy and Influence
Session 1
(16:00 – 16:30)
Session 1: Efficient Government Category Winners
Public Service Delivery, Accountability, Service Integration, Breaking Down Silos, Interoperability
- Goyang, Goyang Smart City
- Moscow, My Moscow App
Session 2
(16:30 – 17:00)
Session 2: Emerging Technology Category Winners
Latest ICT innovations such as AI, Drones, Blockchain, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Edge Computing
- Seongnam, A City of Opportunity Powered by Drones
- Jeju, High-Precision Bus Location Information Service
Session 3
(17:00 – 17:30)
Session 3: Sustainable City Category Winners
Green ICT, Waste Management, Water Management, Circular Economy, Lighting, Buildings, Resources Management
- Istanbul, Ship Generated Marine Pollution Controls with Camera systems and Drones
- Mashhad, Mashhad SIMAP Application