WeGO cordially invites WeGO members to participate in the Smart City Expo World Congress 2018 (SCEWC), which will be held in Barcelona, Spain on 13-15 November 2018. With over 18 000 attendees in 2017, SCEWC is one of the world’s leading event for smart cities. It provides a unique meeting spot for smart city sectors and an innovative platform for urban action worldwide.
Apply for Speakerships at the Congress
We invite interested WeGO Members to apply for speakerships at the Congress on the topics of Digital Transformation, Urban Environment, Mobility, Governance & Finance, and Inclusive & Sharing Cities. Due to the limited number of speakership slots, we recommend that you submit your application at the following link as soon as possible and inform us once you apply. You will be requested to provide the potential speaker’s bio, presentation title, presentation abstract, among other basic details.
Furthermore, WeGO is pleased to offer the following benefits to its members who choose to participate with WeGO:
- Exhibition at the WeGO Pavilion
The benefit of participating in SCEWC together with WeGO is to exhibit as part of the WeGO pavilion (of 60 sq.m in total and conveniently located near the entrance area of the Congress) for an exclusive discounted price. More details can be obtained by contacting the WeGO Secretariat.
- Free Exhibition & Conference Passes
For each Member who chooses to exhibit with WeGO, we will offer 1 three-day conference pass, 2 exhibitor passes, up to 10 visitor passes as well as a 25% discount rate on additional passes.
- Study Visit in Barcelona
WeGO is now in talks with its partners in Barcelona to arrange a smart city study visit, consisting of a high-level meeting with Barcelona city officials and a tour of Barcelona’s smart city facilities, in addition to your participation in the main event.
Contact Us
If you are interested in participating with WeGO in the Smart City Expo World Congress 2018 or have any questions, please contact Ms. Alizée Rousset at alizee@we-gov.org or +82-2-720-2931, and/or Ms. Alexandra Sidorova at alexandra@we-gov.org or +82-70-4202-9153.