The “Open Data Portal” is the official platform of the capital city government. It’s intended to create, collect, present, and disseminate under a principle of maximum publicity, impartiality, truthfulness and transparency.
All the information provided to the Open Data Portal is made available to all city residents for free and in multiple formats such that it makes their analysis possible and thus the government is accountable to the public. and with the information published, the public interest, and citizen participation are supported.


- To date, 221 data sets from 29 government agencies have been made available. These are grouped into 17 categories.
- The web portal was developed by the Digital Agency for Public Innovation of Mexico City, based on a free software tool and with an open code developed by the Open Knowledge Foundation. This is called the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (CKAN), and it is used by the United Kingdom, Australia, and Spain in their open data catalogs.
- The data can be consulted in Excel, CSV, PDF, TXT format, and in MD for its visualization in R.
- In development now, the metadata will soon be presented in a narrative way, with maps and graphs to support interactive visualizations.
- The Digital Agency for Public Innovation won first place in the 2019 Award for Innovation in Transparency promoted by institutions such as the OECD and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for the creation of the Mexico City Open Data Portal.
- From March 1, 2020 to March 16, 2021, the portal was consulted by a total of 2.2 million users, with an average of 6,000 daily visits.
- In April 2020, a new category called “Covid-19” was added with data such as hospital occupancy, active cases at the neighborhood level, and information from the automated screening system, are all published.
- Official Website – https://datos.cdmx.gob.mx
- Youtube Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bskevQ7CCJM
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