Moscow was faced with several challenges when it came to its healthcare system, including issues related to an inefficient and bureaucratic system as well as inflated costs, long wait times, and limited access to doctors and facilities. Hence, IMIAS was introduced as a comprehensive, one-stop system that incorporates a number of solutions in order to streamline Moscow’s healthcare system, through a centralized data center that manages the large amount of data such as the e-records and e-referrals.
Vladimiar Makarov, Moscow’s Deputy CTO as well as the Moscow Department of Information Technology, Moscow Healthcare Department, and 4,500 specialists from over 30 Russian IT companies were involved in the formation of the project. The implementation of the project proved to be highly successful as more than 20,000 healthcare professionals are using the system and the Moscow healthcare system was able to overcome the bureaucratic and inefficiency challenges by decreasing the wait time, length of visit and estimated budget saving.


- A newly developed system integrating ICT with a centralized data center for managing the large amounts of data collected and shared daily, such as the e-records and e-referrals.
- An end-user interface for patients, doctors, and management was developed, which allows for booking, and rescheduling to be made online, consequently, reducing the administrative burden on the medical staff.
- The system stores medical records that provide patient flow management and personalized record-keeping of medical services. It also collects and analyses data on patients’ choices of Moscow health clinics, hospitals, and doctors, their workload, and average waiting time.
- Includes electronic queueing terminals, which enable users to make an appointment with a doctor in an unmanned manner and are equipped with readers which support different identifiers: barcode, magnetic stripe card, smart card, and contactless card.
- Implementing the project resulted in an 85% increase in patients who are able to schedule a doctor’s appointment on the same or following day, whereas 98% are able to do so within three days.
- In 2016, 91% of patients were able to see a doctor within 20 minutes of arriving at their appointment.
- Budget savings: although it was not the primary intended output of the project, the IMIAS managed to save budget in various ways including paper waste reduction as well as labor hours. It estimated that 41 million Euros ($48.6 million USD) are saved annually
Annual increase of appointments made
YEAR | Number of Appointments per year |
2011-2012 | 2.3 million |
2013 | 33.5 million |
2014 | 56.9 million |
2015 | 63 million |
2016 | 63.4 million |