Gyoo Gun Lim
Gyoo Gun Lim is a Professor of MIS at School of Business and the dean of Planning & Budget Office of Hanyang University. He received his Ph.D. in Management Engineering from KAIST in 2001. He is the president of International Center for Electronic Commerce and the chairman of Smart City Committee of Seoul City. He was a researcher in Samsung Electronics, KT, and ICEC. He was the chairman of the Korea Society of IT Service in 2019-2021 and Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society in 2022. He received a medal of sincerity from Korea Government for the contribution of Korea e-government in 2022 and an award from Korea Ministry of Information and Communication for Korea SW industry in 2007 and an award from Korea Ministry of Knowledge Economy for Korea IT innovation in 2009. He also received Bright Internet Award in 2021. He successfully performed several projects such as 1st Asia commercial Internet service, KORNET, China Shanghai Telecom SI strategy, KTI business strategy, Korea G2B e-government evaluation, Korea G4C performance analysis, Korea Information Security Index, Korea Military Informatization Index, IT innovation personnel fostering plan, National Digital Contents Identification plan, and Bright Internet.