Join us in shaping the future of WeGO and smart sustainable cities development

The 5th WeGO General Assembly (GA) is a triennial event that gathers both members and partners to shape key agenda that will help chart WeGO’s direction for the coming years.
Celebrating its 10th Anniversary, the 5 th WeGO General Assembly will be hosted online by Seoul, the President City of WeGO, on October 18 th , 2021 with the theme “New Normal with Smart Sustainable Solutions for All.” WeGO’s flagship event will bring in high-level officials, from Governors and Mayors to Chief Information Officers, to celebrate achievements in e-Government and Smart City initiatives around the world.
WeGO warmly invites you to the 5 th WeGO General Assembly and enjoy the 10 th WeGO Anniversary Celebration, General Assembly Session, and the 4 th WeGO Awards Ceremony.
Opening Ceremony
A decade ago, 50 founding member cities convened in Seoul to establish a worldwide network committed to the transformation of cities into smart sustainable cities. With members and partners gathered from around the world, WeGO will be celebrating its tenth-year anniversary at the 5th WeGO GA. Please join the celebration!
Opening & 10th Anniversary WeGO Video
Opening & Welcome Remarks from the Host City Seoul
– Sehoon Oh, Mayor of Seoul -
Congratulatory Remarks
– Ricardo Nunes, Mayor of São Paulo
– Kriangyos Sudlabha, Deputy Governor of Bangkok -
Keynote Speech
– Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of UN-Habitat, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations
4th WeGO Awards Ceremony
The triennial WeGO Awards recognizes and promotes local governments with exemplary projects and solutions that use ICT to improve the quality of life of citizens.
More info can be found here.
General Assembly Session
WeGO 2030 Master Plan
New President city, Vice President Cities, Executive Committee Members
Selection of the host of the 6th GA 2023