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Corona-Datenspende Smartwatch

Corona-Datenspende Smartwatch 960 540 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”Corona-Datenspende Smartwatch” subtitle=”Germany” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″] Smartwatches are now being used to help monitor the spread of the coronavirus in Germany. The Robert Koch Institute’s Corona Datenspende (Corona…

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Smart Helmets

Smart Helmets 780 520 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”Smart Helmets” subtitle=”UAE” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″] Dubai police are using the smart helmets to screen people in densely populated areas. The smart helmets, equipped with AI-based Infrared camera,…

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Aaroya Setu Wristbands

Aaroya Setu Wristbands 570 380 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”Aarogya Setu Wristbands” subtitle=”India” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″] India has introduced a smart wristband which will be embedded with its Arogya Setu app – a COVID-19 tracking mobile application…

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Romware COVID Radius Digital Bracelet

Romware COVID Radius Digital Bracelet 570 380 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”Romware COVID Radius Digital Bracelet” subtitle=”Belgium” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″] Port of Antwerp is collaborating with technology company Rombit to introduce the Romware COVID Radius, a watch-like device aimed…

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StayHomeSafe Wristbands & App

StayHomeSafe Wristbands & App 796 530 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”StayHomeSafe Wristbands & App” subtitle=”HONG KONG SAR” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″] The Hong Kong government has rolled out electronic tracker wristbands that alert authorities of rogue escapees and ensure…

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