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COVID-19 Information Portals

COVID-19 Information Portals 2200 720 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”COVID-19 Information Portals” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″ mgt_sep_1=”” mgt_sep_2=”” mgt_sep_3=””] The Mexico City Government has launched multiple information portals to meet the new needs faced by the…

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COVID-19 Test Result Notifications in the App CDMX

COVID-19 Test Result Notifications in the App CDMX 958 596 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”COVID-19 Test Result Notifications in the App CDMX” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″ mgt_sep_1=”” mgt_sep_2=”” mgt_sep_3=””] To speed up test results delivery, the Mexico City Government made a…

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System for the Identification of Infections in Enclosed Spaces

System for the Identification of Infections in Enclosed Spaces 1280 721 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”System for the Identification of Infections in Enclosed Spaces” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″ mgt_sep_1=”” mgt_sep_2=”” mgt_sep_3=””] A system for the identification of infections in enclosed spaces was…

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Open Data Portal with a Dedicated COVID19 Section

Open Data Portal with a Dedicated COVID19 Section 1099 467 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”Open Data Portal with a Dedicated COVID19 Section” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″ mgt_sep_1=”” mgt_sep_2=”” mgt_sep_3=””] The Portal de Datos Abiertos has been the official data platform of…

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“Salud en tu vida” (“Health in Your Life”)

“Salud en tu vida” (“Health in Your Life”) 527 378 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”Salud en tu vida (Health in Your Life)” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″ mgt_sep_1=”” mgt_sep_2=”” mgt_sep_3=””] Studies of COVID-19 have shown that people who suffer from chronic degenerative…

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Chatbot “Victoria” on WhatsApp

Chatbot “Victoria” on WhatsApp 750 450 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”Chatbot “Victoria” on WhatsApp” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″] “Victoria” is the citizen service chatbot of the Mexico City Government. It provides information on procedures and services, and…

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Coughvid Diagnostic Test

Coughvid Diagnostic Test 1280 720 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”Coughvid Diagnostic Test” subtitle=”Switzerland” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″] École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne is developing an diagnostic test app called “Coughvid” that would listen to people cough and use…

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“COVIDSafe” Contact Tracing App

“COVIDSafe” Contact Tracing App 570 380 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”COVIDSafe Contact Tracing App” subtitle=”Australia” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″] Australia has launched COVIDSafe, a contact tracing app based on source from Singapore’s TraceTogether software, aimed to efficiently trace potential…

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“BeAware” Electronic Wristbands

“BeAware” Electronic Wristbands 570 380 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”“BeAware” Electronic Wristbands” subtitle=”Bahrain” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″] Electronic bracelets embedded with BeAware* app – a COVID-19 contact tracing application developed by the Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA), in…

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Aaroya Setu Wristbands

Aaroya Setu Wristbands 570 380 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”Aarogya Setu Wristbands” subtitle=”India” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″] India has introduced a smart wristband which will be embedded with its Arogya Setu app – a COVID-19 tracking mobile application…

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