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Smart Social Insurance: People’s Livelihood Service Platform

Smart Social Insurance: People’s Livelihood Service Platform 570 380 WeGO

OVERVIEW Implemented in 2013Project Duration: OngoingFunding Source: Government In Qingdao, employment and financial stability are considered at the core of citizen’s well-being. As part of the Smart Qingdao framework, a…

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Smart Waste Collection and Management Service

Smart Waste Collection and Management Service 570 380 WeGO

OVERVIEW Implemented in 2016Project Duration: OngoingFunding Source: Government funding: 230 mil. KRW (out of 300) | $245.000USD - Ecube Labs: 70 mil KRW | $58.000USD For growing cities, waste management…

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Open City Initiative

Open City Initiative 570 380 WeGO

OVERVIEW Implemented in 2014Project Duration: OngoingFunding Source: Regional Government Edmonton’s Open City Initiative was implemented in lieu with the city’s wish to become a city which is more transparent, open…

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