To kick off the year, WeGO held its annual briefing session on Feburary 24, 2021, online, jointly with the opening ceremony of the WeGO Africa Regional Office and the Regional…
read moreAsian Mayors Forum Secretariat Tehran, IranEstablished 2008Official Website Asian Mayors Forum Secretariat (AMF), was established with the purpose of establishing sustainable peace, promoting constructive co-operations among Asian cities and people,…
read more2020-12-18
SEOUL – WeGO held the 4th edition of its annual joint workshop, this year in partnership with the National Information Agency of Korea (NIA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB), online from December 4-18.
ONLINE – WeGO hosted the Northeast Asia Smart Cities Network (NEASCN) Online Pre-Workshop in preparation for an Inaugural Meeting of the network in 2021 and showcased a foretaste of NEASCN in its mobilization of stakeholders to envisage bankable and sustainable smart city action plans.
Breeze Technologies Breeze Technologies is a technology leader for air quality data and air quality analytics software. The company leverages the internet of things and artificial intelligence to help cities…
read moreWinner Technology Co., Ltd. Winner Technology Co., Ltd. manufactures a complete line of parking, access and revenue control equipment including barrier gates, ticket issuing machines, automatic pay stations, fee computers,…
read moreXnTree Xntree delivers exponential growth for deep tech ventures. Dedicated programs are designed to provide a soft landing for international startups operating in sectors such as Smart City, FinTech, BioTech,…
read morebeCloud Belarusian Cloud Technologies LLC (TM beCloud) is one of the leading providers of the telecommunications and IT infrastructure, as well as hosting services and cloud solutions in the Republic…
read moreWinitech Winitech Co., Ltd. was founded in 1997. With the slogan “Technology for the safety of human lives”, Winitech has been trying to build a better world. Winitech develops public…
read moreWeavAir WeavAir offers a sensors array network and predictive analytics solution that will fundamentally change the way we manage buildings, saving energy while reducing the health impacts of poor indoor…
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