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World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization

[PRESS RELEASE] WeGO held its first workshop for youth leaders of tomorrow

[PRESS RELEASE] WeGO held its first workshop for youth leaders of tomorrow 570 380 WeGO

WeGO held its first workshop for youth leaders of tomorrow to find solutions for sustainable smart cities as the second phase of the ‘Smart City Champions’ with 20 selected teams

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Seoul National University Graduate School of Public Administration

Seoul National University Graduate School of Public Administration 570 380 WeGO

Seoul National University Graduate School of Public Administration South KoreaEstablished 1959Official Website Smart Africa Alliance United KingdomEstablished 2016Official Website SmartCitiesWorld is a UK-based media outlet which provides quality news and…

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Seoul National University Global R&DB Center

Seoul National University Global R&DB Center 570 380 WeGO

Seoul National University Global R&DB Center South KoreaEstablished 2003Official Website Smart Africa Alliance United KingdomEstablished 2016Official Website SmartCitiesWorld is a UK-based media outlet which provides quality news and resources related…

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Institute for Higher Education Innovation Yonsei University

Institute for Higher Education Innovation Yonsei University 570 380 WeGO

Institute for Higher Education Innovation Yonsei University South KoreaEstablished 2018Official Website Smart Africa Alliance United KingdomEstablished 2016Official Website SmartCitiesWorld is a UK-based media outlet which provides quality news and resources…

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Dongguk University (Gyeongju)

Dongguk University (Gyeongju) 570 380 WeGO

Dongguk University (Gyeongju Campus) South KoreaEstablished 1978Official Website Smart Africa Alliance United KingdomEstablished 2016Official Website SmartCitiesWorld is a UK-based media outlet which provides quality news and resources related to smart…

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Korea University

Korea University 570 380 WeGO

Korea University South KoreaEstablished 1905Official Website Smart Africa Alliance United KingdomEstablished 2016Official Website SmartCitiesWorld is a UK-based media outlet which provides quality news and resources related to smart and sustainable…

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[PRESS RELEASE] WeGO ’champions’ of the future gather for first online orientation session

[PRESS RELEASE] WeGO ’champions’ of the future gather for first online orientation session 570 380 WeGO

Participants of WeGO’s Smart City Champions program gathered for the first time today for an online orientation session about the upcoming 15-week program.

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[PRESS RELEASE] Smart city stakeholders gather to kick-off 2022 activities focused on creating resilient citizen-centered cities and fostering youth leaders of the future

[PRESS RELEASE] Smart city stakeholders gather to kick-off 2022 activities focused on creating resilient citizen-centered cities and fostering youth leaders of the future 570 380 WeGO

To launch its activities in 2022, WeGO organized a hybrid event on February 23. Key activities launched include a youth program, index for benchmark of smart cities, and platform communication between members.

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[PRESS RELEASE] WeGO launches program to foster youth ‘champions’ of the future

[PRESS RELEASE] WeGO launches program to foster youth ‘champions’ of the future 570 380 WeGO

WeGO is launching a youth program to build the capacity of young people in South Korea and abroad on the topic of smart cities. Open free of charge to all under 35, this program is set to counter the issues of digital divide brought about by the accelerated digitalization brought upon by COVID-19 pandemic. Major domestic and international universities are supporting this program which is starting on March 4.

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[MEDIA ADVISORY] Smart city stakeholders gather to kick-off 2022 activities focused on creating resilient citizen-centered cities and fostering youth leaders of the future

[MEDIA ADVISORY] Smart city stakeholders gather to kick-off 2022 activities focused on creating resilient citizen-centered cities and fostering youth leaders of the future 570 380 WeGO

WeGO is organizing a hybrid event on Feb 23 to introduce its activities for 2022 to its members, partners, and stakeholders around the world. Aligning with the newly risen key questions following the COVID-19 pandemic and the accelerated digitalization of societies, this year WeGO is launching activities for a broader more inclusive audience aiming to empower youth as the leaders of the future and build resilient smart cities.

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