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4th WeGO Awards

Established in 2011, the WeGO Awards is WeGO’s triennial competition that recognizes and promotes smart initiatives that use ICT to improve the quality of life of citizens.

The 4th WeGO Awards were held in 2020. Local governments competed with their projects in the following categories: Efficient Government, Emerging Technology, Mobility, Open and Inclusive city, Safe City, and Sustainable City. Out of 52 applications, 18 were selected as winners.

The 4th WeGO Awards ceremony will be held in conjuction with the 5th General Assembly in Q4 of 2021.


Efficient Government

Public Service Delivery, Accountability, Service Integration, Breaking Down Silos, Interoperability

Emerging Technology

Latest ICT innovations such as AI, Drones, Blockchain, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Edge Computing


Efficient Transport, Intelligent Transport Systems, Mixed-Modal Access, Integrated ICT Infrastructure, Parking

Open and Inclusive City

Citizen Participation, Open Data and Privacy, Transparency, Bridging the Digital Divide, Participatory Budgeting, Living Labs, Crowdsourcing

Safe City

Security, Emergency Response, Gas and Fire Detection, Infrastructure Management, Disaster Response

Sustainable City

Green ICT, Waste Management, Water Management, Circular Economy, Lighting, Buildings, Resources Management



Renata Avila

Executive Director
Fundacion Ciudadania Inteligente

Philip Bane

Managing Director
Smart Cities Council

Jean-Francois Habeau

Executive Director
Global Fund for Cities Development

Donovan Storey

Deputy Director & Urban Lead, Green Cities
Global Green Growth Institute

Shipra Narang Suri

Chief, Urban Practices-Branch

Javier Vergara-Petrescu

Co-Founder & Executive Director
Ciudad Emergente

Efficient Government Category


Wide range of projects implemented since 2018 as part of the city’s mid- to long-term smart city plan. It includes 10+ projects implemented through a living lab approach, among others.


Official app of the website, which is a “single-window” citizen portal for public services”. By using this chatbot app, Muscovites get access to a number of services, ranging from booking a doctor's appointment to paying bills and fines to checking when their child arrived at school, and solve problems with nothing more but a mobile phone.

Emerging Technology


Use of drones in the public sector to resolve social issues such as example monitoring construction sites, water quality, and underground insulated pipes, developing heat maps in preparation for heat waves, and reducing fine dust. Includes the creation of an an ecosystem for testing drones with three drone test-flying fields and 5G airborne network for drones.


Service that shows the locations of buses in service in real-time on a map-based mobile app, and the core technology to implement this project is Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) which uses satellites to determine the locations of objects on the ground and is more precise than the commonly used GPS.

Mobility Category

George Town

An integrated project that connects people through various mobility solutions towards a livable and sustainable city, with five components:
• A smart parking system
• Bicycle lanes
• A CAT (Central Area Transit) shuttle bus service
• A business improvement district scheme
• A back lane improvement initiative

Belo Horizonte

SIU Mobile is a free app, created with the city hall and the Belo Horizonte Passenger Transport Companies Union (SETRABH), with the aim of providing users with real-time information and the best options for the trip that will take place to optimize their waiting time at boarding points.

Open and Inclusive City Category

São Paulo

A network of thirteen public laboratories, located all over the city, that citizens can access for free, to seek personal development or to solve a real problem in their community, business or academic project. This guarantees free access to technology especially for citizens that are more socially vulnerable.


A GIS-dashboard capable of visualizing different data in the city hall and a mobile application for citizen to participate in the improvement of the city, that together enabled the city to solve a variety of urban challenges including illegal dumping, floods, and traffic congestion, by empowering citizens to be the sensors for the government to know the real-time problem in the city.

Safe City Category

Mexico City

My Safe City project revolves around the installment of panic buttons in public transportations, such as taxis and buses, streets, businesses and the city’s official app CDMX, with the aim to improve citizen safety in around the city. With this project, any citizen or visitor can access a panic button regardless of the time, whether citizens possess a smart device or are close to a police station.

Belo Horizonte

• Awareness-raising campaigns, conducted by female agents of the Municipal Guard to public transport users on the one hand
• Installation of “harassment buttons” on public buses, which can be activated in case such incidents happen.

Sustainable City Category


Use of cameras installed on drones used to detect marine pollution and marine pollution activities. With this project, Istanbul is able to both monitor and prevent marine pollution, as well as take quick action when oil spills, illegal discharges, and marine litter accumulation take place.


Collection of waste through a mobile app where citizens request the collection of their waste in a specified period. Once the waste is picked up, citizens receive points based on the weight of the waste collected and can use these to pay the waste fees, do online shopping or transfer it to their personal bank accounts.

4th WeGO Awards: Meet the Winners

To know more about the projects, WeGO held two webinars featuring the winners of the Gold and Silver Awards.

Watch to learn about the projects and why the selected projects deserved to win according to the judges. Also, hear directly from those directly involved in the project the key lessons learnt and tips on how to successfully implement smart city projects.


All local governments, smart tech solution providers that work with local governments, and public organizations around the world, both members and non-members of WeGO, are eligible to submit exemplary smart city projects to the WeGO Awards. Only projects that have already been implemented or are in the process of implementation will be accepted.

Corporate and institutional applicants are required to communicate with the local government connected to the project and receive approval from the necessary authority before applying.



  • Gold award trophy
  • Sponsored flights and accommodation to attend the WeGO awards ceremony
  • Speakership and exhibition space
  • Participation in a WeGO training program
  • Publicity of the award in media and publications
  • Silver award trophy
  • Sponsored flights and accommodation to attend the WeGO awards ceremony
  • Exhibition space
  • Publicity of the award in media and publications
  • Special mention plaque
  • Sponsored flights and accommodation to attend the WeGO awards ceremony
  • Publicity of the award in media and publications