[asvc_header_block title=”‘TraceTogether’ Contact Tracing App” subtitle=”Singapore” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″]

TraceTogether is a mobile application aimed to identify people who have been in close proximity – within 2m for at least 30 minutes – to coronavirus patients using wireless Bluetooth technology. The trace records are stored in the app and assessed upon permission when the individual is identified as a close contact or a COVID-19 patient. The app has been complementing current contact-tracing methods, making the overall location-tracking procedure more efficient.
- While use of the app is not compulsory, those who use it have to turn on the Bluetooth settings in their phones for tracing to be done. They also need to enable push notifications and location permissions in the app, which is available on the Apple App Store or the Google Play store.
- If an individual is diagnosed with COVID-19, the Ministry of Health may use the individual’s app data to identify people whom he/she had close contact with.
- The government ensures that the app does not track a user’s location and contacts as the collected data will only be stored in their personal phones for 21 days.
- Over a million people have downloaded the app.
- Singapore is making the technology behind its contact tracing app an open source for further app development.
Sources: The Straits Times, CNN Philippines