A system for the identification of infections in enclosed spaces was implemented on November 18, 2020. The purpose is such that those who visit an enclosed space, be it a cinema, theater, subway, restaurant, plaza, gym, bank, or museum, can be notified if their visit coincided with that of a person who later tested positive for COVID-19. They can thus take the proper precautions. Registration is done quickly by scanning the QR code and by registering only a phone number. The system automatically records the time and date of the visit.
- It is 20 times more likely to contract the corona virus in an enclosed space than in an open one. The strategy was designed to notify people and to break the chain of infections.
- The system registers a user when a QR code at the entrances to enclosed spaces is scanned by a mobile device, or when a text message is sent to 51515
- All the data collected complies with the regulations on the protection of personal data and is automatically deleted after 15 days.
- In the first two days of implementation, more than 70,800 businesses registered to obtain their QR code. 1,328 users registered. Of these, 30 people tested positive for COVID-19, and 1,118 people who had a possible contact were notified and followed up on.
Source(s): https://adip.cdmx.gob.mx/comunicacion/nota/para-el-sistema-para-la-identificacion-de-contagios-en-espacios-cerrados-y-el-tratamiento-de-los-datos-personales-atendemos-recomendaciones-de-sociedad-civil