[asvc_header_block title=”Salud en tu vida (Health in Your Life)” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″ mgt_sep_1=”” mgt_sep_2=”” mgt_sep_3=””]

Studies of COVID-19 have shown that people who suffer from chronic degenerative diseases are more likely to experience complications after contracting the virus. Therefore, the Mexico City Government launched a new personalized health care system called “Salud en tu vida.” The new tool allows city residents to assess their risk of suffering from a chronic disease such as diabetes, hypertension, and breast cancer, among others.
- The service is completely free and is executed by answering a few simple questions designed with health experts.
- This personalized system is available by entering the following link https://saludentuvida.cdmx.gob.mx, by sending an SMS with the word “Cuidate” to 51515, or by calling LOCATEL.
- If the final diagnosis indicates a high risk of suffering from a chronic-degenerative disease, follow-up is followed with reminders of medical appointments, reminders for medications prescribed by health personnel, and by sharing new measures and routines to improve the quality of life.
- As of February 15, 2021, more than 41,873 people had used the system, of which 17,379 people completed the questionnaire. 15,989 were at risk of having a chronic disease.
Source(s): http://www.imss.gob.mx/prensa/archivo/202008/570