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Priority Care Neighborhoods and Towns

Priority Care Neighborhoods and Towns

Priority Care Neighborhoods and Towns 1600 1067 WeGO
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The Priority Neighborhoods and Towns Program aims to identify areas with higher concentrations of cases. The point is to design new strategies to deal with active cases and to prevent new infections.


  • The program provides care through house-by-house epidemiological surveillance for advice and medical reviews. Kiosks provide PCR and antigen tests, support information campaigns, some shops on public thoroughfares are closed and some public spaces including streets, markets, bus stops, etc. are sanitized depending on concentrations of people.
  • Designations of priority care neighborhoods depend on indicators such as active cases, total deaths, total hospitalizations, test positivity rates, and population density.
  • Those who must be quarantined are channeled to the Responsible and Protected Homes program. They are contacted by the city call center to receive medical kits, food support, and financial support so that all members of the household may remain in confinement and cut chains of contagion.


  • As of December 20, 2020, 443,317 home medical visits were made and 825,999 people received the program orientation.

