[asvc_header_block title=”Digital Platform for Screening & Follow-up of Potential Patients” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″]

An automatic screening tool for people who suspect they might be infected with the novel coronavirus is available for residents and visitors of Mexico City through several channels: SMS (free of charge), Facebook Messenger, online test, or calling the non-emergency number (LOCATEL). The aim is to monitor potential patients and provide follow-up to people whose symptoms worsen, in order to give them better attention and to contain the spread of the pandemic in Mexico City.
- The automatic question flow provides a general diagnosis that classifies each case as low, moderate, or high risk.
- All suspects, regardless of the level of risk, receive a medical kit and provisions in their homes. Their cases are also followed-up days later to monitor changes in their symptoms.
- High risk cases are directly contacted by the doctors from LOCATEL and given personalized attention.
- The service is also available in English to cover the city’s foreign visitors that have symptoms and require immediate attention.
- As of April 12, the system has provided attention to 256,167 users.
- The screening questionnaire has been completed 186,583 times and 260 users have been channeled to emergency services (911) as of April 12.
- The question flow was designed with the Health Ministry authorities and later modified when the country moved to Phase 2 of the epidemic to consider all data relevant to the screening.
- The collected data are being used to monitor the spread of the pandemic and to work towards increased prevention measures in the zones that seem more likely to be affected.
Source: Digital Agency for Public Innovation, Mexico City Government