[asvc_header_block title=”Delivery of Medical Kits to Support Home Confinement” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″]

Mexico City implemented another system to link detected cases through the health screening system (mainly through SMS), share that information with crews to organize and implement the delivery of medical kits and economic support for people with mild symptoms who do not suffer from any comorbidities, and that therefore may recover from the illness at home.
- Along with the medical supplies, people receive food and food vouchers for $1,000 MXN (around $50 USD) to make sure they do not need to leave their homes for two weeks and prevent further infection.
- The medical kit contains a thermometer, 28 facemasks, a 14-day supply of Acetaminophen, hand sanitizer, an oximeter and a manual for how to respond to symptoms and protect the family from infection.
- Food provided includes: rice, beans, noodle soup, toilet paper, amaranth, oatmeal, lentils, juice concentrate, canned chilies, powdered chicken stock, porridge, soap, saline, instant coffee, condensed milk, cookies, tuna fish, jello, sugar, cereal, maxi pads, toothpaste and Clorox.
- As of June 2, the health screening system has provided attention to 434,636 users via SMS.
- Since the beginning of the program, 11,826 kits have been delivered in Mexico City.
Source(s): Digital Agency for Public Innovation, Mexico City Government