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Emory in partnership with Vital, an AI company, has developed an online platform that allows the general public to self-assess the likelihood of being infected by the COVID-19. The tool has helped people to self-triage, as well as prevent a surge of patients at hospitals and healthcare facilities due to miscellaneous symptoms.
- Based on the answers to questions about signs and symptoms, age and other medical problems, a person is directed to guidance based on CDC guidelines and is placed into one of three categories: high risk, intermediate risk and low risk.
- It was built as a public service and is completely free.
- Users can choose to share a zip code to contribute to research tracking the geographic spread.
- As of April 4, it is estimated that an approximate 284,000 people have accessed and used the system.
- By collecting data using an online tool, researchers can glean meaningful insights at lightning speed compared to a traditional research study.
- It has helped avoid unnecessary exposure, inform people about CDC guidance and ease the burden of already overwhelmed healthcare system.
Source(s): Emory, KTSM, Healthcare IT News