Course Title
Course Description
Course Dates
Course Methodology
Course Platform
Course Language
Course Duration
Registration Deadline
Training fees
Digital Platform Innovation on Smart City & Digital Government
Designed in collaboration between the National Information Society Agency (NIA) and the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO), this program aims to build an understanding of policy and services in e-Government and smart city development, and improve capacities of public officials to respond to urban challenges and social crises by utilizing a concept of ‘Digital Platform Innovation on Smart Cityt’ in the field of digital government and smart city. Register now!
19 – 30 September, 2021
Google Classroom (Online)
Self-paced learning that takes pre-recorded 9 lectures
English *English subtitles will be provided for Korean speakers’ video
2 weeks
12 September, 2022 by 11:59 pm (KST)
WeGO Members, NIA Alumni, individuals interested in digital government
Certificate of Completion issued upon successful graduation
* Completion Requirement: Submit 6 quizzes out of a total of 9 quizzes + 1 post-program survey
Module I
Digital Platform Innovation in Smart City
1. The concept of Digital Platform in Smart City
2. Requirements for Application of Digital Platform in Smart City
3. Future State Opportunities
– Jong-Sung Hwang, President, National Information Society Agency, Master Planner of Busan Eco Delta Smart City
Module II
Applications of Digital Platform in Smart City
1. Transportation
2. Manufacturing
– Sharky Lee, CEO, SMARTOP
3. Energy/Environment
– Sanjaya Bhatia, Head of Office Incheon, UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR),Office for Northeast Asia (ONEA) & Global Education and Training Institute (GETI)
4. Healthcare
– George Crooks, CEO, Digital Health and Care Insitute
Module III
Digital Platform Innovation in Digital Government
1. The Concept of GaaP (Government as a Platform) and Global Practices
– Yoon Dae Kyun, Professor, Ajou University
Module IV
Road to Applications of Digital Platform in Digital Government
1. Public Data Use: Data Lake, My Data
– Kim Jong Won, Professor, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
2. Data Security and Protection
– Kwang Sun Ko, Director, Department of Cyber Security, National Information Resources Services, Korea
3. Public Cloud Migration and Integration
– Ministry of the Interior and Safety in Republic of Korea
English | Spanish
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