In preparation for an inaugural Meeting of Northeast Asia Smart Cities Network (NEASCN) with founding members in 2021, the NEASCN Online Pre-Worskhop showcased a foretaste of NEASCN in its mobilization of local governments, investors, and enablers to develop more bankable and sustainable smart city action plans. Smart city experts from cities, regional networks and project financing partners convened online to prompt this regional cooperation by sharing visions and plans for long-term cooperation.
NEASCN will bring together neighboring partners of cities and regions across Northeast Asia to share best practices, develop short- and/or long-term action plans for smart city development, identify areas of overlap across action plans, and pursue initiatives toward project implementation.
Date: 2020.12.09
Time: 15:00-17:00 (KST)
Platform: Zoom
Watch the webinar again, and download key resources below.
Greetings from WeGO Secretary General
Introduction of WeGO & NEASCN
SESSION I. Smart Cities Network Partners in Northeast Asia
This session aims to set the common ground for the establishment of the Northeast Asia Smart Cities Network, assembling the representatives of regional and international networks to advocate their dedication to support the regional cooperation among China, Japan, Republic of Korea (ROK), Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Russia, and Mongolia under the scope of smart city.
The network partners representing each region will help pave the way by sharing their perspectives and experience in multilateral collaboration across the region. The presentations will elaborate on whats, whos, hows and whys of the successful cases of joint initiatives, through which we will discover new potential synergy of the international cooperation. Each representative will also present the current development status, on-going initiatives and the expected achievements in order for the local governments, corporations, and multilateral development banks to concretely envision and help develop scalable and bankable smart city projects across the region.

Nobutsugu Miyama
Program Officer
Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat

Alexander Prilepin
Office Head
Union of Russian Cities (URC)

Tserendulam SH
Healthy Cities Network of Mongolia (HCNM)

Shinjoon Park
Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH)

Teng Leng Lim
Deputy Director
Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC)
SESSION II. Smart Projects in Northeast Asia and Project Financing
Part I. Presentations by Cities & Partners
Presentations from exemplars in the region on smart city initiatives including the project status, challenges, outcomes, key enabling factors, and future plans, including through international cooperation within NEASCN. The session will see CIOs, CTOs and experts from cities across countries in Northeast Asia summarize their smart city initiatives, which serve as the basis of the smart city action plans (SCAPs) that will lay out their focal objectives as members of this new network, as guides in identifying their priorities and implementing their projects.

Dajun Wang
Deputy Director
Shanghai Municipality

Shu Zhu
Regional Director
ICLEI East Asia Secretariat

Daesik Lee
Yeosijae (Future Consensus Institute)

Sungchan Cho
General Director
Hananuri Academy of Northeast Asian Studies

Calvin Chua
Associate Head of Programs
Choson Exchange
Part II. Discussion with Financing Experts
Project financing experts from development agencies and multilateral development banks will be invited to share their opinions on the importance of NEASCN in building a smart and sustainable future and brainstorm measures to facilitate the process of financing smart city projects necessary in transforming cities across Northeast Asia. Project financing experts will share feedback on cities’ presentations, and exchange ideas and experience on the questions below:
Q1. What types of projects appropriate for Northeast Asian cities could be foreseen to attract financing, publicly or privately?
Q2. What are common big issues that these cities face in accessing project financing?

Sungsoo Jung
Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF)

Seok Yong Yoon
Principal Specialist
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Introduction of NEASCN Task Force and plans on development of the NEASCN Framework
WeGO, together with members of the Task Force, will present the plan to develop an NEASCN Framework and deliver an overview of the progress so far. The presentation will also explore the next steps (including a call for feedback from Pre-Workshop attendees) for the Task Force to finalize the Framework.