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Winning projects showcased in webinar series ahead of award ceremony

Winning projects showcased in webinar series ahead of award ceremony 570 380 WeGO

Winning projects showcased in webinar series ahead of award ceremony

September 14, 2021

SEOUL – Today, WeGO successfully completed a two-part webinar series aimed at showcasing the Gold and Silver Award winners of the 4th WeGO Awards through direct discussions with the winners and commentary from the panel of judges. 12 representatives from cities around the world participated to share information on the projects along with key lessons learnt and tips.

Last year, 18 cities were awarded for their initiatives that use ICT to improve the quality of life of citizens during the 4th edition of the WeGO Awards. The 4th WeGO Awards: Meet the Winners webinar series was held to not only highlight the winners but also to hear the cities speak about their real experiences in implementing the projects and share their key lessons learnt.

Part 1 on August 26 highlighted the winners in the Mobility, Open and Inclusive City, and Safe City categories, notably George Town, Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, Jakarta, and Mexico City. The winners in the Efficient Government, Emerging Technology, and Sustainable City categories—Goyang, Moscow, Seongnam, Jeju, Istanbul and Mashhad—spoke about their projects in Part 2 on September 14.

Two experts from the judging panel Javier Vergara-Petrescu, Executive Director of Ciudad Emergente, and  Donovan Storey, Head Global Policy and Influence at Reall, explained why the winning projects stood out and deserved to win. They also commented on different aspects that cities need to consider when implementing projects in the above-mentioned areas and shed light on the global trends in the field.

The winners will further receive recognition during the official awards ceremony, which will be held at the 5th WeGO General Assembly on Oct 18. Additionally, the next edition of the WeGO Awards is expected for 2023. In the meantime, more information of the 4th WeGO Awards and its previous editions can be found on WeGO’s website.

To watch the recordings and download the presentation files of the webinars, please visit this page.