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Free WiFi

Free WiFi 500 500 WeGO

OVERVIEW Implemented in 2019Project Duration: IndefiniteFunding Source: Mexico City Government One of the most ambitious proposals of the Mexico City Government was in combating the digital divide while making the…

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Breeze Technologies

Breeze Technologies 263 193 WeGO

Breeze Technologies Breeze Technologies is a technology leader for air quality data and air quality analytics software. The company leverages the internet of things and artificial intelligence to help cities…

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beCloud 263 193 WeGO

beCloud Belarusian Cloud Technologies LLC (TM beCloud) is one of the leading providers of the telecommunications and IT infrastructure, as well as hosting services and cloud solutions in the Republic…

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WeavAir 262 193 WeGO

WeavAir WeavAir offers a sensors array network and predictive analytics solution that will fundamentally change the way we manage buildings, saving energy while reducing the health impacts of poor indoor…

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UCWARE 1089 805 WeGO

UCWARE Since its establishment in 2007, UCWARE Inc has been carrying out e-government and disaster respons system of smart city projects and serving about 800 corporate customers including public, educational,…

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Sycros 258 190 WeGO

Sycros Sycros specializes in providing Smart Dashboards that are capable of providing important and essential data for decision-makers such as Mayors to utilize when making sound decisions. Seoul, KoreaEstablished in…

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SCANETCHAIN Co. Pte. Ltd. Scanetchain is the first commercial dApp developed for blockchain commercialization. Using augmented reality (AR) technology, Scanetchain digitally identifies all products, brands, and images around us both…

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NTSYS 260 190 WeGO

NTSYS NTSYS is a web standard and mobile specialized company that professionally builds and operates the development of next-generation webs, mobile webs, and applications based on standards such as HTML5,…

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KBSYS 262 189 WeGO

KBSYS KBSYS creates the value of future content by providing solutions and publishing technology for innovation of the digital content industry in Enterprise, Safety, Entertainment, and Industrial business area. Seoul,…

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ICONLOOP ICONLOOP, Inc. (formerly theloop) is a tech company, based in Seoul, South Korea, specialized in the implementation and design of blockchain technology. ICONLOOP targets both scalability and security to…

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