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World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization

COVID-19 Test Result Notifications in the App CDMX

COVID-19 Test Result Notifications in the App CDMX 958 596 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”COVID-19 Test Result Notifications in the App CDMX” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″ mgt_sep_1=”” mgt_sep_2=”” mgt_sep_3=””] To speed up test results delivery, the Mexico City Government made a…

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Priority Care Neighborhoods and Towns

Priority Care Neighborhoods and Towns 1600 1067 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”Priority Care Neighborhoods and Towns” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″ mgt_sep_1=”” mgt_sep_2=”” mgt_sep_3=””] The Priority Neighborhoods and Towns Program aims to identify areas with higher concentrations of cases.…

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System for the Identification of Infections in Enclosed Spaces

System for the Identification of Infections in Enclosed Spaces 1280 721 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”System for the Identification of Infections in Enclosed Spaces” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″ mgt_sep_1=”” mgt_sep_2=”” mgt_sep_3=””] A system for the identification of infections in enclosed spaces was…

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Open Data Portal with a Dedicated COVID19 Section

Open Data Portal with a Dedicated COVID19 Section 1099 467 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”Open Data Portal with a Dedicated COVID19 Section” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″ mgt_sep_1=”” mgt_sep_2=”” mgt_sep_3=””] The Portal de Datos Abiertos has been the official data platform of…

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“Salud en tu vida” (“Health in Your Life”)

“Salud en tu vida” (“Health in Your Life”) 527 378 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”Salud en tu vida (Health in Your Life)” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″ mgt_sep_1=”” mgt_sep_2=”” mgt_sep_3=””] Studies of COVID-19 have shown that people who suffer from chronic degenerative…

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Chatbot “Victoria” on WhatsApp

Chatbot “Victoria” on WhatsApp 750 450 WeGO

[asvc_header_block title=”Chatbot “Victoria” on WhatsApp” subtitle=”Mexico City” header_font_size=”h1″ align=”center” fontsize=”medium” line=”0″] “Victoria” is the citizen service chatbot of the Mexico City Government. It provides information on procedures and services, and…

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SmartCitiesWorld (UK)

SmartCitiesWorld (UK) 570 380 WeGO

SmartCitiesWorld (SCW) United KingdomEstablished 2016Official Website SmartCitiesWorld is a UK-based media outlet which provides quality news and resources related to smart and sustainable urban development. SCW’s mission is to be…

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National Information Agency (Korea)

National Information Agency (Korea) 259 186 WeGO

National Information Society Agency (NIA) KoreaEstablished 1987Official Website National Information Society Agency(NIA) sowed the first seeds in an information barren land starting with the construction of the National Basic Systems…

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WeGO reboots its COVID-19 webinar series with 4th edition focused on EMEA

WeGO reboots its COVID-19 webinar series with 4th edition focused on EMEA 700 380 WeGO

WeGO held a reboot edition of its Smart Health Responder webinar series, gathering diverse stakeholders from the EMEA region to share their experience in dealing with the virus and insights on how to prepare for returning to normal life whilst the pandemic is still ongoing.

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