The 5th GA, WeGO’s triennial event that gathers both members and partners to shape key agenda that will help chart WeGO’s direction for the coming years, was successfully conducted this afternoon. Hosted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, which also serves as WeGO’s President City, the event was held on the theme of “New Normal with Smart Sustainable Solutions for All”.
Official Greeting Letter from WeGO’s New Secretary General, Jung Sook Park, to Members and Partners.
WeGO successfully completed a two-part webinar series aimed at showcasing the Gold and Silver Award winners of the 4th WeGO Awards through direct discussions with the winners and commentary from the panel of judges.
WeGO and WFUNA co-hosted the second edition of the ‘Solutions Meet Cities’ (SMC) webinars, dedicated to ‘Matchmaking for smart and sustainable innovation’.
Smart City of the Quarter · Goyang 2021 Quarter Three VIDEO Smart City of the QuarterSmart City of the Quarter Exclusive Interview with Goyang Smart City Team Goyang is entitled…
read moreVIDEO Smart City of the Quarter · Seoul 2021 Quarter Two Smart City of the QuarterSmart City of the Quarter OVERVIEW FULL INTERVIEW S-Net S-Dot S-Pole Digital Divide Past Archive…
read more2021-09-08
WeGO and the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS) co-organized an event on the theme of “Cooperation Plan for ASEAN Smart Cities through ODA”.
WeGO took part in the Digital Living Lab Days event organized by its MOU partner the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL).
Matchmaking for Smart & Sustainable Innovation https://we-gov.org/wp-content/themes/movedo/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 WeGO https://we-gov.org/wp-content/themes/movedo/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg
How can cities solve their urban challenges using sustainable smart city solutions? How can companies promote their innovative solutions and form partnerships for international smart city projects? Where should cities…
read moreSmart City of the Quarter features innovative smart city initiatives that are insightful and thought-provoking. WeGO wants to recognize our members’ hard work, and share your experience with our partners…
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