Korea Green Foundation Seoul, South KoreaEstablished 2002Official Website Korea Green Foundation is Korea’s first environmental public foundation established in 2002, and we have been promoting environmental awareness through cultural approaches…
read more2022-07-11
Seoul 50 Plus Foundation representatives visited the WeGO Secretariat to meet WeGO Secretary General and the Program Department team to exchange program ideas and explore areas of cooperation related to smart cities and the 50+ generation.
WeGO held the Latin America Smart Cities Network (LASCN) webinar on June 30, 2022, under the theme of Smart Tourism: “Reactivating Tourism in Latin America in the Post-COVID-19 Era”.
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated rapid digitalization. However, at this critical moment of digital transformation, some people are experiencing difficulties using new technologies. To tackle this issue, the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) held an event titled, Accompanying With the Vulnerable, to seek ways to shareknowledge and experiences with numerous organizations and companies.
Upon the official visit of H.E. Luis Vayas, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, to take part in the 2022 Korea-LAC Future Cooperation Forum, WeGO representatives held talks with the Ecuadorian delegation which also comprised H.E. Helena Yánez Subsecretary of Asia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, and Jhonny Reinoso, Chief of the Diplomatic Mission of Ecuador in Korea.
WeGO’s Head of the Program Department, Eunbyul Cho, participated as a commentator for the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration (UN CEPA) held at the Korean Association for Public Administration International Conference (KAPA 2022) on the 23rd of June.
WeGO attended the 23rd International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2022) on the 22nd of June, in Daegu. WeGO’s Secretary-General, Jung Sook Park, was invited to offer a congratulatory remark during a special session of the conference.
WeGO held the Finals of the WeGO Smart City Champions 2022 program, where the 11 finalist teams gathered together to discuss their ideas of effective solutions for building sustainable smart cities with renowned experts. Out of them, 3 teams have been selected as Champions on June 17, 2022.
Tourism is one of the main industries for many Latin American countries, however, due to the covid-19 pandemic the industry has been severely affected. Smart tourism brings in innovative, digital…
read more2022-05-24
WeGO´s Secretary General joined a reception hosted by the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Seoul to commemorate the Republic Day and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and the Republic of Korea.