The 4th WeGO GA took place in Ulyanovsk Region, Russia, from June 27 to 30, 2017, with the theme “Smart Sustainable Cities for All.” The event saw over 400 participants representing 112 local governments from 48 countries, including 66 mayors, CIOs, and other officials, and representatives from the public and private sectors.
- WeGO members established a three-year mission for smart sustainable cities until 2020 and renamed the organization to the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization.
- An exemplary selection of 18 smart city projects from around the world was recognized at the 3rd WeGO Smart Sustainable City Awards.
- Mayors convened at the World Mayors Roundtable to discuss the role of leadership and well-defined vision and strategy in driving smart sustainable city outcomes, and to adopt the Ulyanovsk Declaration.
- The World CIO Forum, City Digital Solutions Forum, Design Thinking & Ideathon Workshop, along with a series of thematic sessions on were other highlights of the event.