Interinnov is a European Marketing company specialized in emerging technologies, with 10+ years of experience leading the promotion and Go-to-Market strategies of Research and Innovation initiatives related to Smart Cities, 5G, IoT and Next Generation Internet. Our portfolio includes a strong network of partners in industry, academia, Small-Medium Enterprises, Key Enabling Technology Centers and Digital Innovation Hub over the world. In particular, we have led the international growth of the Open Source FIWARE Community for the last 4 years.
Interinnov is a European Marketing company specialized in emerging technologies, with 10+ years of experience leading the promotion and Go-to-Market strategies of Research and Innovation initiatives related to Smart Cities, 5G, IoT and Next Generation Internet. Our portfolio includes a strong network of partners in industry, academia, Small-Medium Enterprises, Key Enabling Technology Centers and Digital Innovation Hub over the world. In particular, we have led the international growth of the Open Source FIWARE Community for the last 4 years.

Sample Text
Qutoe from the CEO about how great WeGO is
Country / City Portfolio
- Europe
- North America
- Asia
Accomplishments with WeGO
- Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC)
- FIWARE-WeGO Challenge
- FIWARE-WeGO Hong Kong Workshop